NE  Tri-State Lighthouse Weekend - Walks

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All 3 walks will be available the entire weekend, so you can walk on your own, at your own pace and schedule. 
 Group walks (times when available) will be offered at each of the 3 sites for both the 5/6K routes and 10/12K routes.

Lighthouses along the Walk Trails

ten pound island
Ten Point Island
eastern point
Eastern Point Lighthouse
dogbar breakwater
Dog Bar Breakwater Lighthouse

Friday,  May 16th - Gloucester, Massachusetts

Enjoy a morning walk in the Massachusetts coastal city of Gloucester, America’s oldest seaport and still an authentic working waterfront community.   Along the route, you will enjoy many scenic vistas, museums, shops and restaurants.

These lighthouses can be seen along the walk trails.

New Hampshire
Portsmouth Head Lighthouse

,  May 17th - Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Enjoy a walk in Portsmouth, NH, which was first settled as “Strawberry Banke” in 1630.  Portsmouth was the capital of the English province of New Hampshire, before the Revolution. Learn the role Portsmouth played in the War for Independence and the Civil War as well as its current role as one of New Hampshire’s few seaports. 
portland headPortland Head Light 
 Maine's oldest lighthouse

     ram island 
Ram Island Ledge Lighthouse
   spring point   
       Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse             

Sunday, May 18th -Cape Elizabeth , Maine

Travel to Cape Elizabeth, Maine, home to Portland Head Light and Fort Williams Park.  Maine’s oldest lighthouse, Portland Head Light was first lit in 1791; the original fuel was whale oil. From Portland Head Light, you can see the Ram Island Ledge Lighthouse offshore.  The 11k route takes you to Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse on the campus of Southern Maine Community College.

These lighthouses can be seen along the walk trails.

Last Updated:  January 30, 2025